Copy A Restaurant

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Copy A Restaurant

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Copy A Restaurant in Workforce


When your enterprise opens a new restaurant or entity, you may want to copy as much information from an existing entity to your new entity. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to Copy A Restaurant in Workforce:


1.Jobs In Labor Admin > Scheduling > Jobs, select each job the new restaurant will be using from the existing list, click the Entity Assignments tab, and add a row for the new restaurant. If the new restaurant is using a job that is not already in the existing list, add a new job record. Remember that the Job Code is what employees will see when viewing a schedule, so make sure it is something identifiable.


2.Wage Rules If the new restaurant resides in the same state as another one of your Workforce restaurants, and is subject to the same labor laws, skip this step. If not, create a Wage Rule Set for the new state. This may require you to set up new labor laws first, and apply them to the new Wage Rule Set (OT Rules, Minor Rules, etc). The setup of labor laws and Wage Rule Set can be found under the Labor Admin > Wage Rules menu.


3.Special Days If the new restaurant uses the same Special Days as another restaurant, skip this step. If not, create a separate Recurring Special Day Set and Variable Special Day Set for your new restaurant. This can be found under the Labor Admin > Forecasting menu.


4.Schedule Groups If the new restaurant uses the same Schedule Groups as another restaurant, skip this step. If not, create a Schedule Group Set with a list of schedules your new restaurant will use. This may require you to create new Schedule Groups, and then apply them to the Schedule Group Set. These screens can be found under the Labor Admin > Scheduling menu.


5.Restaurant Stations If the new restaurant uses the same Restaurant Stations as another restaurant, skip this step. If not, create a Restaurant Station Set with a list of stations your new restaurant will use. This may require you to create new Restaurant Stations, and then apply them to the Restaurant Station Set. These screens can be found under the Labor Admin > Scheduling menu.


6.Day Parts If the new restaurant uses the same Day Parts (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) as another restaurant, skip this step. If not, create a Day Part Set with a list of day parts your new restaurant will use. If you need to set up sales forecasting for a new day part, please contact This screen can be found under the Labor Admin > Forecasting menu.


7.Labor Definitions If the new restaurant requires any settings that differ from the Default Labor Definitions (including any new “sets” created in steps 2-6), set up a Labor Definition for the new restaurant under Labor Admin > Labor Definitions. Choose the new restaurant from the first dropdown menu and override any default settings as necessary. If you are using the ADP or Paychex export configuration, be sure to enter the company code for the new entity at the bottom of the screen.


8.Polling Contact to install Workforce polling at the new site (if not already set up). Be sure to specify which polling features you would like to use for this site (Time Punches/Schedule Export/Employee Import). Availability for these features depends on your POS.


9.Employees Set up your new restaurant’s employees under Labor Manager > Employees. If your POS is compatible with the employee import feature, we may be able to import employee records from your POS. Please contact for further information, as this feature requires some initial setup.