Registers Overview

A register is a list of posted transactions. It is an auditable document. Typically, a register is printed at the time work is posted; you are prompted to generate a register after posting a transaction. You can subsequently use the Reports menu to re-print or review these registers, in effect duplicating the registers you obtained when the transactions were originally posted.

Prior to posting, the Print button of transaction screens will invoke a list of yet-to-be-posted transactions, called an Edit List. An Edit List should not be treated as an auditable document, because prior to posting it could potentially be modified. You can tell a Register from an Edit List by looking at the report title.

Registers are always generated only for the entity you are currently logged in to. If you want to generate a register for a different entity, you must switch entities using the Change Entity utility.

Note: Compeat assigns unique identifiers to identify, group, and track transactions that will affect the general ledger. Each Compeat-assigned identifier has a standard prefix; see Batch Codes and Journal Control Numbers to review them.

Compeat provides the following registers: