The Inter-Store Transfer Register allows you to generate a picking ticket and/or a register of inventory transfers from the current restaurant to another restaurant. If the report includes multiple transfers, they will appear on successive pages.
The options screen appears similar to the following:
The following options are available to customize your report:
Transfer # To limit the report to a specific transfer, select the transfer number, or leave blank for all.
Row Shading Check to highlight every other row. This can improve readability, particularly for long lists. The highlighted color generally does not work well with faxes, so for reports that will be faxed, you should uncheck this box.
Receiver To limit the report to a specific receiving restaurant, select the receiving restaurant from the list of predefined restaurants (See Vendors).
Date Range Optionally specify a range of transfer dates to limit the report to a specific time period.
Inventory Item # Range Select a range of inventory item numbers to limit the report to a specific number of inventory items.
The following is a sample Inter-Store Transfer Register: