Break Rest Rules

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Break Rest Rules

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Labor Admin > Wage Rules > Break Rest Rules


Adding a Break Rest Rule

Editing a Break Rest Rule

Deleting a Break Rest Rule

Deactivating a Break Rest Rule

Removing a Row from the Break Rest Rule

Deactivating a Row from the Break Rest Rule

Changing Order


Break rest rules allow you to define a set number of hours an employee can work before they are eligible for or must have a break rest.  If not taken as defined, a penalty may be applied.  If applicable, penalties must be paid to the employee in addition to their regular wages.


Note that you may set up multiple break rest rules.  Each break rest rule can have multiple rules for designated shifts or one shift rule that applies 'Anytime'.  Each shift rule can have multiple rest periods.




Adding a Break Rest Rule

1.Click the Add link.


2.You do not need to assign an ID, the system will automatically generate a number.

3.Add a description.  Note, this is how you will identify the rule in the future. This field is required.

4.Fill in the minimum duration that should be taken.

5.Click in the Wage Type field and select the correct wage type.

6.If a penalty is to be applied should an employee not take their break rest, fill in the maximum penalty time per day they should be charged should they not take a break rest. Note that this field is required.  Even if you are not applying a penalty, please choose a wage type.  Note that this will not apply to anything if a penalty is not imposed.

7.Leave the Active box checked if you want the rule to be available.

8.Click the Add Row button.


9.Enter the minimum shift duration.  This represents the total time of the scheduled shift.  For example:  If anyone who works a 7 hour shift should take a break rest, then set the minimum shift duration to 7.

10. To restrict the times of day that the break rest should be applicable, set the begin time by selecting 'Before' or 'After' from the drop-down and identifying a time in the next field. If break rests should be applicable anytime during the day, leave the Begin Time drop-down at 'Anytime'.

11. If you set a begin time, also identify an end time.  If 'Anytime' is selected for begin time, also leave the End Time drop-down at 'Anytime'.

12.In the employee screen, you are provided an option to record a break waiver.  To disregard any recorded break waivers, check the Ignore Waiver check box. Additionally, you may opt to override the default waiver status on a specific shift by modifying the break waiver box on the Time Entry screen.

13. Leave the Active box checked if you want the rule to be available.

14. Enter the rest duration time.  If break rests should be 15 min, enter it here.

15. If the break rest should happen at a fixed time, check the Fixed Begin Time box and fill in the Earliest Fixed Begin Time and Latest Fixed Begin Time fields.  If the break rest does not need to happen at a fixed time, leave this box unchecked and fill in the Min Relative Offset Time and Max Relative Offset Time fields.

16. Min Relative Offset Time - If the break rest should be taken between a number of hours after the shift has begun, enter the earliest time here.

17. Max Relative Offset Time - If the break rest should be taken between a number of hours after the shift has begun, enter the latest time here.

18. If a break rest is not taken, but the shift meets the criteria and a penalty should be applied, enter the penalty time the employee should be paid.

19. Leave the Active box checked if you want the rule to be available.

20. Click the OK button.

21. Click the Save button.


Editing a Break Rest Rule

1.Either highlight the record you want to edit by clicking on it once to highlight it, then click the Edit link or double click on the record to open it.

2.Click the Edit button of the record you want to edit.

3.Make changes.

4.Click the OK button.

5.Click the Save button.


Deleting a Break Rest Rule

To delete a break rest rule, highlight the rule by clicking on it once, then click on the Delete link.  Make certain that the break rest rule is not currently tied to any records.  If associated to records, it may not be deleted.  You may want to deactivate it instead.


Deactivating a Break Rest Rule

1.Double click on the record or highlight it and click on the Edit link.

2.Uncheck the Active box.

3.Click the Save button.


Removing a Row from the Break Rest Rule

1.Double click on the record or highlight it and click on the Edit link.

2.Highlight the row you want to remove by clicking on it once.

3.Click the Remove Row(s) button.

4.Click the Save button.


Deactivating a Row from the Break Rest Rule

1.Either highlight the record you want to edit by clicking on it once to highlight it, then click the Edit link or double click on the record to open it.

2.Click the Edit button of the record you want to edit.

3.Uncheck the Active box.

4.Click the OK button.

5.Click the Save button.


Changing Order

To change the order of either shifts on the break rest rule screen or of rest periods within a shift, highlight the record by clicking on it once and then click on either the Move Up or Move Down buttons.  Once in the correct order, click either the OK and/or Save button(s).






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