Labor Manager > Labor & Scheduling > Black Out Days
Black out days are used to restrict Time Off Requests from being submitted by employees. Black Out Days are entity specific. A list of records can be defined for date ranges or days of the week by job or schedule group for which time off requests will be restricted.
1.Click on Add Row.
2.Enter the Type of the restriction. These include:
a.Job - Day of Week: Restrict time off requests to a specific job on a recurring Day of Week.
b.Job - Date Range: Restrict time off requests to a specific job during a date range.
c.Schedule Group - Day of Week: Restrict time off requests to a specific schedule group (or All Jobs) on a recurring Day of Week.
d.Schedule Group - Date Range: Restrict time off requests to a specific schedule group (or All Jobs) during a date range.
3.Enter the Max. Requests. Once the maximum number of time off requests for the selected type have been submitted, employees will be restricted from submitting time off requests.
4.Select a Filter. If type is job, you must select a single job from the list. If type is schedule group, you may select a single group, or select "All Jobs" to apply to all employees.
5.Enter Dates. For Day of Week types, select the day from the drop down list. For Date Range types, select a from and to date from the calendar picker.
6.Click the Save button.
1.Click the field on the record you want to edit.
2.Make changes.
3.Click the Save button.
To delete a black out day record, highlight the rule by clicking on it once, then click on the Remove Row button.
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