Menu Engineering Report

This report allows you to compare the performance of menu items against each other using the contribution margin (gross profit) and menu mix (popularity of the item).

To obtain meaningful information from this report, it should always be run for a specific group of items, so that like items are compared. For example, the gross profits on wine may be significantly different from the gross profits on burgers; thus, a comparison between the two would not be a good basis for menu engineering. Comparing all wines, on the other hand, would allow you to determine the relative performance of different bottles. You can limit the items included in the report either by menu item number range or by menu item level.

For more on how to analyze some of the report's information, see the reference material on Menu Engineering.

Note: In order to generate this report, you must use the Compeat POS Polling feature.

The report includes drill-down capabilities that allow you to access related data for an item by clicking on it from the Preview screen. Drill-down capabilities are available for the Item # and Description fields.

Report Options

The options screen appears similar to the following:

The following options are available to customize your report:

Note: Only menu items sold during the specified time period will be included in the report.

Report Data

Within the selected grouping, the report is sorted by Gross Profit $ (total gross profit).

The Menu Engineering report always includes the following columns of data for each menu item in the list:

Note: If an item has never been purchased (entered on an invoice or manual check), Compeat will use the Cost per Inv. defined on the Restaurant Inventory screen.

Visit the Compeat Support Website for additional information on this topic and more.


CM $

MM %














Note: The percentages on the report are only of those items included on the report; different report criteria will give you different results.

The Menu Engineering report appears similar to the following: