Reports Overview

Compeat allows you to output your data into a variety of reports. Where appropriate, Compeat provides various options that allow you to customize the content and layout of your reports to suit your specific needs.

Once you have generated a report, you can modify the layout and organization of the data. You can change the sorting criteria using the up/down arrows next to head column header and you can show or hide detail information.

Additionally, many reports in Compeat provide drill-down capabilities— that is, they allow you to access a deeper level of information by clicking on an item in the report. When you mouse-over an item in a report that has drill-down capabilities, your cursor will change from a pointer to a hand icon.

From a generated report, you can export to an alternative file type (such as Excel), or print to paper.

The following reports have an ’Export to Excel’ button on the options screen: ‘Inventory Count Variance’, Cost Transfer Register’, ‘Receiving by Inventory Item’, and ‘Menu Engineering’ .  This option sends all the data in the report directly to an Excel file, flattening all grouping and categorization information into a single record for every item.  The excel file can then be used for sorting, subtotaling or for use in pivot tables in a way that the printed-then-exported-to-excel files cannot be.

This section describes the reports you can generate from within Compeat, which are grouped as follows:

Report Preview Toolbar

You can either print a report directly from the options screen or you can preview it. The preview screen displays the report and allows you to make minor modifications in layout and sorting before printing. You can also export the report to various other formats from the preview screen.

All previewed reports have a toolbar as shown below.


  1. Select page The current page number is shown along with the total number of pages in the report. You can use the "VCR" buttons to navigate to the next, previous, first, or last page.

  2. Back to Parent Report Enabled in drill-down report. This will bring you back to the main report from a drill-down report.

  3. Stop Rendering Enabled while a report is being generated. This will stop a report from rendering before it is complete. This is useful, for example, if the rendering takes too long and you wish to retry with different parameters.

  4. Refresh Regenerates the report. This can be used if rendering was stopped before completing and you wish to resume rendering.

  5. Print Opens a print setup dialog and allows you to print the report.

  6. Print Layout Displays the report as it will look when printed. Interactive features such as sorting and drill-down are disabled in this mode.

  7. Page Setup Opens a page setup dialog that allows you to select margins, orientation, paper size, and printer.

  8. Export This allows you to select a format to export the report to.

Note: When numbers representing dollar amounts are exported to Excel, they are prefixed with a dollar sign ($). This can cause problems when trying to work with the data as numbers. For example, you cannot use a SUM function on the data. To workaround this, do a find-and-replace in Excel to remove the dollar sign.
Also, note that page breaks in the report will appear on different work sheets when exported to Excel.

  1. Page Size This allows you to select what size to view the preview in. The last selected size will be used by default.

  2. Search This allows you to search for characters within the previewed report. Enter a search term and then click Find to highlight it, if it exists; click Next to find the next occurrence of the term.