Inventory Purchase

The Inventory Purchase report allows you to generate a report listing the cost of inventory items purchased by one or more restaurants. You might use this report, for example, to compare the costs of inventory items among restaurants. Any item not purchased during the specified apply date range or invoice date range is not included on the report.

Note: Compeat converts the costs displayed on the report to cost per base unit so the displayed costs for all restaurants are comparable; it does not matter what each restaurant’s purchase or inventory units are.

The costs used in the report are based on the weighted average cost of the item for the invoice date range specified. The weighted average cost is calculated by adding up each of the total amounts paid for the inventory item, then dividing by the total number of units bought within the date range. This gives particularly meaningful data if you buy different quantities of an item at different prices.

Example: If, in the month of October, you purchased 100 pounds of ribeye at $7 per pound, and 15 pounds of ribeye at $9.50 per pound, the weighted average cost will be $7.33. This is calculated as ((100 * $7) + (15 * $9.50))/115. If a standard average were used, the cost would be $8.25, calculated as ($7 + 9.50)/2. As you can see this produces vastly different results.

Report Options

The options screen appears similar to the following:

The following options are available to customize the report:

Note: Only inventory items purchased during the Apply Date Range or Invoice Date Range are included in the report.

Report Data

The report will look different depending on the options selected. Below are descriptions of the primary fields and screen shots of reports generated using various options.

Description of report columns

Each item is identified by its Description and/or Item # at the beginning of the row.

Sample reports

A typical report might look similar to the following:

Figure 1. Inventory Purchase, Summarize All Stores



Figure 2. Inventory Purchase, List Stores on Left



Figure 3. Inventory Purchase, List Months on Left



Figure 4. Inventory Purchase, List Stores and Months on Left



Figure 5. Inventory Purchase, Sort by Inventory #