This tab allows you to specify various options and accounts required for posting your Daily Sales Report.
Use Gift Certificates Select this checkbox if your company uses paper gift certificates and would like to track issues and redemptions in the software. If not selected, the Gift Certificates Tab does not appear on the DSR, and the GC account fields of this tab are unavailable. Do not check if you use Gift Cards, this is a separate setup.
Use House Accounts Select this checkbox if your company permits in-house charge accounts and would like to track bills and payments by customer through Compeat. If not selected, the House Accounts Tab does not appear on the DSR.
Use Labor Select this check box if you want to enter labor figures in the DSR. If you do not select the checkbox, the Labor Tab will not appear in the DSR entry screen. You must setup statistical labor accounts and payroll departments if you choose to use labor.
Allow I/C Comps Select this checkbox to enable Inter-Company comp entries on the DSR screen. This setting applies only to the selected entity, so it must be configured individually for each entity. The effect of checking this box is that the Entity # field of the Comps Tab of the DSR screen becomes editable. The user may only select an entity they have access to, unless the Group Security setting “Allow I/C comps to any entity” is selected for the user’s group membership in Security.
Charge Tips
Paid Out Select this checkbox if your company pays out tips
on charge-card receipts and house-account charges each night.
If selected, when entering DSR’s, you will enter a gross dollar amount
into the "Charge Tips" field of the Taxes
& Receipts tab on the DSR, and Compeat will subtract that
amount from cash receipts when calculating the theoretical cash deposit
(we recommend any merchant fees be handled as additional deposits).
If you do not pay out tips each night, uncheck this box, and enter
an account number where charge tips should be credited in the "Charge
Tips" field under Accounts.
Restrict Polled DSRs If this box is checked, only users with batch posting authority will be able to make changes to data on the Sales tab and the Taxes & Receipts tab of the DSR. The exception is the Actual Cash Deposit field(s) of the Taxes & Receipts tab, which can be modified by people without the batch posting authority— as can information on the other tabs.
Automatically poll theoretical cash deposit into actual cash deposit If this is checked, the theoretical cash deposit calculated during the DSR data import is applied to the Actual Cash Deposit line.
Actual Cash Dep Bank Code Select the bank code to which the DSR bank deposit will be made. This field is required.
2nd Cash Dep Bank Code Select a second bank code to which a part of the DSR bank deposit will be made. This will allow you to break your actual cash deposit up into two separate bank accounts. If you do not select a second bank code, no secondary deposit field will appear on your DSR Taxes & Receipts tab.
2nd Cash Dep Field Name If using a second cash deposit bank code (above), enter a custom field name for the account.
Over/short warning threshold
Enter a dollar amount to set the threshold for over/short warnings by
When an amount is entered in the Actual Cash Deposits field of the DSR's
Taxes & Receipts tab, Compeat will calculate the difference between
the Theoretical Deposit and the Actual Cash Deposit. If this difference
is greater than the specified threshold, a warning message will be given.
Gift Redeem Specify the balance sheet account to be debited for non-Compeat gift certificate redemption. This field is optional.
GC Inventory The account specified here is debited when a Compeat gift certificate is created; and credited when a gift certificate is issued on the DSR screen or on the Issue Comp GC screen, or when a gift certificate is marked as lost.
GC Liability The account specified here is credited when a Compeat gift certificate is created; and debited when a gift certificate is redeemed on the DSR screen.
GC Over/Short The account specified here is debited when a Compeat gift certificate is marked as lost.
Till Specify the balance sheet account that will record adjustments to the bar bank.
Cash Over/Short Specify the P & L account that will record the difference between the actual and theoretical cash deposit. For information on how the amount to be posted is determined, see the DSR's Taxes and Receipts Tab.
Charge Tips If the "Charge tips paid out" box is not checked, enter an account number in this field where charge tips will be credited. When you eventually pay out the charge tips, you will most likely debit this account. In this case, the theoretical cash deposit and the over/short amount on the DSR are not affected by the charge tips amount.
First define a Statistical Offset account on the Other Definitions screen's Other Tab that will record all balancing entries for the statistical accounts you define here. With statistical accounts, any amounts that are charged to those accounts are automatically offset to the statistical offset account. For more information, see Chart of Accounts.
Comp Food/Comp Alcohol/Comp Tip Specify the statistical accounts to track the comped food sales, alcohol sales, and tip amounts. These accounts are used in municipalities where there are different tax rates for food and alcohol (and presumably no tax on tips). These Comp accounts are different from the expense account defined for each Comps code. When the data is entered on the DSR Comps Tab, it is broken out by food, alcohol, and tip. When the DSR is posted, Compeat debits the sum of the food, liquor, and tip to the statistical accounts defined here, and posts a credit to the statistical offset account. If any of your restaurants are in locations where taxes are different for food and alcohol, you can use the numbers in these Comp statistical accounts to properly report your sales tax return. These fields are required.
Note: If in your location, the tax rate is the same for food and alcohol (for all of your restaurants), you can enter the same account for Comp Food and Comp Alcohol.
Exempt Food Sales/Exempt Alcohol Sales Specify the statistical accounts to track tax exempt food and alcohol sales. For example, if your restaurant hosts a banquet for the Salvation Army, there would be no sales tax charged. Another example would be foreign diplomats dining in your restaurant; they would not be charged tax on their food and alcohol purchases. The sales figures are entered (or imported from the POS) into the DSR Taxes and Receipts Tab in the Exmpt Fd Sales and Exmpt Liq Sales fields. When the DSR is posted, the values from these fields are posted into these accounts. When you are reporting your sales tax return, you can use the values in these accounts to determine which part of your Gross Sales is tax exempt. These fields are optional.
Note: You can save the DSR without values in all of these fields, but if you will post values from the DSR into these accounts, you must specify an account number here. This means that if your restaurant has Comps, you must specify accounts for Comp Food, Comp Alcohol, and Comp Tips.