Enter any payments or charges for in-house charge accounts for the day. Payments and charges made here go into Compeat's Accounts Receivable system, which uses the open item method of accounting — payments are received unapplied to charges, and can be subsequently applied on the Apply Customer Payments screen.
This is also a good place to enter banquet deposits and redemptions. The net amount of all entered transactions is carried over to the House Accounts field on the Taxes and Receipts Tab (that is, the sum of the billed amounts minus the payment amounts).
Note: This tab is only displayed if "Use House Accounts" was selected under Setup > DSR Definitions > Other Accounts tab when Compeat was setup.
Compeat automatically calculates a running total for the amount column and displays it at the bottom of the screen. If you are entering house account transactions from a POS report, this might be a useful check to ensure that you have not made an entry error.
Enter values for the following fields:
Cust #/Customer Name Either specify a customer number or select a customer name from the list defined in the Customers screen. If you enter a customer name that is not already defined in the Customers screen, you will be prompted to add the customer. If you select Yes, you will be taken to the Customer screen.
Note: If a customer does not have the "Active" checkbox selected in the Customer screen, the customer will not display here.
Trx Type Select the transaction type from Bill, PMT - non-POS, or PMT - POS. Payments rung on the POS are of the latter transaction type even if made in cash.
Reference Enter a reference number for this transaction. A unique reference number up to 15 characters in length is required for each house account transaction.
Amount Enter the amount of the bill or payment.
Note: Payments can be received either through the DSR using this tab, or by sending payment in from a statement. In the latter case, use the Receive Customer Payments screen to record the payment.