Inside Standing Orders

This screen allows you to create order templates that can be reused without having to re-enter data. Creating standing orders can save time and data entry for orders that occur on a regular basis. A standing order simply serves as a template that allows you to automatically fill-in order fields; each individual order created from a standing order can then be modified as needed.

The screen appears similar to the following:


For each inside standing order, enter a customer code or customer name selected from the list of your enterprise's restaurants; the other field will fill in, and a standing order number will be assigned by the system. You can add comments and/or a description that will appear with this order. Then, for each standing order, select the items and quantities you wish to include in the order:

Using Standing Orders

After you have created standing orders in this screen, you can use them at any time by going to the Inside Orders screen and creating a new order. Then, from the order, click the New Standing Order button — you will see the Choose a Standing Order screen, where you can select from a list of all outside standing orders you have created here.

After choosing a standard order, the order screen will automatically fill-in with the information defined on the standing order. It can then be edited as needed and processed as a normal order.