Commissary Department Definitions

When using Compeat Commissary, you have the option to create multiple departments within a Commissary entity to handle different inventory items. When you have commissary departments defined, stores will transmit their orders to the commissary, and the order will be split off to the departments based on which inventory items they handle. So, for example, a fish processing department would pull a ticket with only fish items from the order, while the canning department would pull a ticket with only canning items. Individually they will fill and ship their partial orders, completing the store order.

If you use commissary departments, you must define a Pre-Paid Sales Account and Payment Type at the department level in order to use Outside Orders, even if this information was already defined at the Commissary level.

The Department Definitions screen allows you to define commissary departments for your business.

Access the Commissary Department setup options under Setup > Entities > Departments.

Main Tab

baby_down.jpg Click to view/hide picture.

Description of fields:

Payment Types Tab

baby_down.jpg Click to view/hide picture.

Use this tab to define payment types that can be used for Outside Orders. The payment types you create here will appear on the Payments dialog off the Outside Orders screen.

You can select from three different payment types, and the way it is defined will depend on which type you select as follows: