New Item Wizard

The New Item Wizard is meant to assist you in quickly creating an inventory item. You can also continue on in the wizard and set your new inventory item up as an item for sale (Menu Item). The wizard allows you to create a Master Inventory, Restaurant Inventory, and Menu Item all in the same process.

If you need to modify any of the information entered in the wizard after creating the item, you can do so by opening the item in the appropriate screen for the information you wish to change.

The steps of the wizard correspond to the following screens:

  1.   – Master Inventory Items

  2.   – Restaurant Inventory Items, Restaurant info

  3.   – Restaurant Inventory Items, Locations

  4.  - Restaurant Inventory Items, Portioning

  5.   – Restaurant Inventory Items, Par Levels/Vendor Info

  6.   – Advanced Options. You have the option of copying the item to other entities. You can specify a single entity, list multiple entities, or leave blank to copy to all entities.

Click Finish to save the item and copy it to any other entities specified.

At after clicking Finish, you will be given the option to finish, start the wizard again to create a new item, or create a similar item, or create a Menu Item. If you choose to create a similar item, most fields, except the item number, will be filled-in from the previous item you created.