Retry Employee Exports

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Retry Employee Exports

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Utilities > Utilities > Retry Employee Exports


The Retry Employee Exports screen allows a user to trigger prior employee exports with exception results to be sent to the POS again. This function is intended to be used to clear prior exceptions shown on the Employee Exports Report.



Retry Employee Exports

1.Select an Entity for which Employee Exports are enabled.

2.Select an Employee if you wish to retry records for a single employee, otherwise leave blank to retry all exceptions.

3.Check the box to Update POS Codes Before Export if you wish for Compeat to check POS code data by employee.



Note:  In order to export employee data to the POS, polling client configuration must be completed within Compeat Advantage.  As of version 6.08.1, the Employee Export is only available for Micros 3700 point-of-sale.