Labor Admin > Scheduling > Employee Time Adjustment Reasons
Adding an Employee Time Adjustment Reason
Editing an Employee Time Adjustment Reason
Removing an Employee Time Adjustment Reason
Deactivating an Employee Time Adjustment Reason
When entering or editing time for employees, there is an option to include a reason for the adjustment. The available reasons are customizable and will need to be set in order to have reasons available in the drop-down.
1.Click the Add Row button.
2.Click in the description field and enter the reason as you want it displayed in the drop-down of the time entry screen.
3.Click in the check box to make it active.
4.Click the Save button.
1.Click directly in the Description field and edit the reason.
2.Toggle the check in the check box on/off accordingly.
3.Click the Save button.
1.Highlight the reason by clicking in either the Description or Active field. To select multiple reasons, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and click on each reason.
2.Click the Remove Row(s) button.
3.Click the Save button.
If the time adjustment reason has any past or current records tied to it, you may not be able to remove the reason. Instead, make the reason inactive by unchecking the Active box and then click on the Save button.
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