Just as you can move and dock the entire menu, you can also move and dock the individual folders in relation to each other. Folders can be split up and moved to the same spots as discussed in the Docking the Menu section (top, right, bottom and left).
The default view is for one folder to be expanded and for the rest to be collapsed (hidden) at the bottom of the menu pane. When a folder is moved and docked in relation to other folders, it will automatically expand to show all the topics within the folder.
To move a folder, click on the folder title at the bottom of the menu pane and drag it up until the additional boxes and arrows appear.
While still holding the mouse down, drag the folder to one of the arrows. The area where it will be placed will highlight in yellow. When it is in the desired position, let go of the mouse button.
If you drag the mouse over the square in the middle of the arrows and let go. This will replace the current expanded folder and add the hidden folder back to the bottom of the menu pane.
When the blue drop-down arrow is available for a docked folder, you have the option to change the folder position to floating or to auto hide it. Auto hiding is basically the same as pinning the folder. Once it is pinned, hovering your cursor over the tab will cause it to expand.
When a menu or a folder is docked, two icons appear in the title bar for the folder.
The first icon is a drop-down arrow |
Clicking on the pin allows you to collapse the open folder and pin it. You will notice that when the menu is docked to the left, clicking on the pin allows the folder to be pinned vertically to the left and the next folder to expand. |
When a menu is docked to the top, clicking the pin icon will pin the folder to the top. |
When a menu is docked to the right, clicking the pin icon will pin the folder to the right. |
Lastly, when a menu is docked to the bottom, clicking on the pin icon will pin the folder to the bottom. |
Note that when a folder is pinned, the pin icon direction changes to indicate that the folder has been pinned |
You can pin all folders which will collapse and auto hide them all. |
Auto Hide Expand |
To expand a hidden folder, move your cursor over the folder title. |
Note that when you move your cursor off of the tab and expanded folder, the folder menu retracts to its pinned position. This is called auto hide and can be turned on or off in the folder drop-down. |
Just as you can dock folders individually, you can float them as well. Click and hold down the left mouse button on the collapsed folder tab at the bottom of the menu pane and drag the folder to the spot you would like and release the mouse button.
Click |
Drag |
Release |
Next, left click in the free space of the title bar and drag the folder to the desired docking spot.
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