Client Configuration

This is the primary screen for polling client configuration. It is subdivided into Client, Job, and Step grids. These are hierarchical in that a single client can have many jobs and a single job can have many steps, but each step belongs to only one job and each job belongs to a single client.


baby_down.jpg Click to view/hide picture.

The client grid contains the following configuration fields, which are always available:

Polling Job Editor

To access the Polling Job Editor, click on Edit Job on the Jobs toolbar.

baby_down.jpg Click to view/hide picture.


Point of Sale Configuration

The options available in this section will vary depending on the Point of Sale selected in the General section.

Polling Step Editor

To access the Polling Step Editor, click on Edit Step on the Steps toolbar.

baby_down.jpg Click to view/hide picture.

The options available will vary depending on the step Type selected.