This is the primary screen for polling client configuration. It is subdivided into Client, Job, and Step grids. These are hierarchical in that a single client can have many jobs and a single job can have many steps, but each step belongs to only one job and each job belongs to a single client.
The client grid contains the following configuration fields, which are always available:
Description The name the client will use in reporting and error logging.
Client Identifier A unique identifier that the client will use during client requests to identify itself. The Polling Client product reports the first MAC address of any available network adapter as its unique identifier. This setting must match that reported by the client to successfully provided configuration information to the client.
Update Interval Time in minutes that the polling client will ping the server to determine if configuration changes have occurred that would trigger it to refresh its own configuration. This number should generally be set low (a few minutes) during initial setup and then raised (~15 minutes) once setup is complete.
Enabled Enables or disables the entire client configuration (all owned jobs and steps).
A.P. Enabled Enables or disables automatic processing of polled data. When the box is unchecked, polling processing must be done manually under Setup > Polling > Polling Processing.
To access the Polling Job Editor, click on Edit Job on the Jobs toolbar.
Description The name the job will use in reporting and error logging.
Store # The Compeat entity # that will receive the processed polled data.
Point of Sale Controls the POS specific configuration options, as well as step type availability.
Enabled Enables or disables the job and all of its child steps.
Schedule The date schedule on which the client should execute. New schedules can be created in the Polling Schedule screen.
Polling Time (server) Sets the time of day at which the client should execute, on server time.
Polling Time (client) Displays the time of day at which the client should execute, on client time. If client and server are in different time zones, and an offset has been entered to account for this, this field displays the Polling Time (server) + Offset. If client and server are in the same time zone, no offset is needed and the polling time will be the same for both client and server.
Client Time Offset The time difference in hours between the server and client time zones. Adjusts the calculated client polling time.
Processing Time The time of day at which polled data should be processed for the specific job. This value is monitored by the Polling Windows Service to determine if processing should be executed.
Poll missing [] days The maximum number of days back the missing day feature will attempt to re-poll.
Check for missing days every [] minutes Frequency at which the polling client will ping the server to determine if any days are missing for any of its steps.
The options available in this section will vary depending on the Point of Sale selected in the General section.
Override Driver Name Sets the name of the ODBC driver to be used for database-connected polling types. The default driver names can be found in the Polling POS spec spreadsheet. The driver name must exactly match that found for the driver available on the machine on which the polling client is installed and is generally supplied by the POS/database vendor.
Polling File Root Root path to be used for file-based data sources.
Pre-Polling Command Console command to be executed immediately before any steps are executed.
Server Server/Engine name for database-connected polling types.
Database Database name for database-connected polling types.
Login Username for database-connected polling types.
Password Password for database-connected polling types.
Datetime Offset Offset to be used to adjust date-time values for data sources that are not business-date specific (e.g., labor) in cases where the polling client is running in a different time zone from the process that recorded the date-time values.
POS Store # Value used by the POS_STORENUM command parameter for data sources that contain more than one location’s data.
To access the Polling Step Editor, click on Edit Step on the Steps toolbar.
The options available will vary depending on the step Type selected.
Description The name of the step that will be used in logging and error reporting.
Type Type of data the step will retrieve.
Order The order in which the step should execute among other steps.
Enabled Enables or disables the specific step.
Command The SQL command that will be executed against the data source.
DSR Mapping Determines which POS mapping should be used for DSR step types.
Re-poll last [] days Number of days back in which to re-poll and replace data that is both unposted and unmodified even if it was polled (labor polling types only).