General Ledger Report

The general ledger report allows you to generate a list of journal entries that originate from any source. For example, you could print all of the posted financial information for a given day and this would include posted DSRs, invoices, manual checks, inventory JEs, payroll JEs, and so on.

Report Options

The options screen appears similar to the following:

The following options are available to customize your report:

You must specify an Apply Date Range. All other criteria are optional (leave blank to include all).

Note: If Subtotal by Entity is checked, either Subtotal by Period or Day is checked, and Group by GL Acct # is selected, each restaurant will have a subtotal for each account, and within that restaurant, each day will have a subtotal. See Figure 1 below.

Note: For information on batch codes and journal control numbers, see Batch Codes and Journal Control Numbers.

Report Data

Note: A wide variety of report outputs are possible; Figures 1 and Figure 2 show two examples.

Figure 1. General Ledger - Group By GL Acct #, Subtotal on Day and Entity:



Figure 2. General Ledger - Group by Entity, Subtotal on Day: