Configuring Compeat for Email Orders

Orders can be emailed to vendors directly from Compeat. There are a few initial configurations that need to be made in order to use this functionality. This topic covers the configuration steps to setup email from Compeat.

Note: You will need to perform this setup from a security group that has access to the configuration screens. Access to these screen is usually only granted to admin roles. If you do not see the menu options available that are described in this topic, it is probably due to the group security settings for the user you have logged on as.

Configure Outgoing Mail

Configure the outgoing mail settings, much as you would for an Outlook account.

  1. Go to Setup > Entities > Restaurants. A dialog box with a list of all restaurants will display.

  2. Select the current entity from the restaurant list. This will open the Restaurants screen for that entity.

  3. Go to the Misc tab of the Restaurants screen.

  4. 4. Select PO Email Configuration that you have setup for this entity in SMTP Configurations.
    Click for an example of finding email information in Microsoft Outlook 2007.

Configure Vendor Mail

This step is optional, but recommended. Compeat allows you to enter an email address with every vendor file. If an address has been entered for a vendor, you will not have to enter an address every time you wish to email an order.

  1. Go to Setup > Accounts Payable > Vendors (either entity-specific or all entities).

  2. Select the Vendor Info tab.

  3. Under Attn/Internet, enter the vendor’s global email address for purchase orders.

  4. Under the Entity Access tab you may enter store-specific addresses, as needed.  This will override the default from Step 3.

Sending Orders

Once the initial setup has been done, you can send orders with a click of a button from the Orders screen.

  1. Go to Transactions > Orders.

  2. Select or create an order.

  3. Fill in the order.

  4. Click Email in the Orders toolbar.