SMTP Configuration

This screen allows you to set up email configurations.  SMTP Configurations are used for purposes of emailing purchase orders in Advantage and employee notifications in Workforce.


baby_down.jpg Click to view/hide picture.


SMTP Configuration fields:


Description Enter a name for the configuration which will appear on drop-down lists when selecting an SMTP Configuration.

E-mail Address Enter the email address that will be the "from" email address used when emailing orders from within Compeat.

Outgoing Mail Server Enter the name of the SMTP server used for outgoing email. If you do not know this, contact your IT personnel or Compeat Support.

Outgoing mail server requires authentication Check this box if your outgoing mail server requires a user name and password.

Credentials Enter your user name (ID) and password for mail servers requiring authentication.

Outgoing mail server requires encryption Check this box if your outgoing mail server requires encrypted communication (SSL/TLS).

Outgoing Mail Server Port Enter the TCP port that the mail server listens on.

Server Timeout Enter the time (in seconds) after which to timeout (abort process) if an email does not go through. If you experience problems with emails timing out, for example because of large attachments, you may want to increase the time.

Maximum Messages  Set the maximum number of messages that can be sent at one time.  This setting is used by Workforce notifications to batch messages.

Message Reset Interval  Set the number of minutes between sending message batches.  This setting is used for Workforce notifications when the mail server has a limit to the number of messages that can be sent in a specified time period.

Additional Recipients fields:


Reply To Addresses  Enter addresses to which replies should be sent. When a recipient selects “reply”, this determines where the reply will be sent.

BCC Addresses Enter addresses that you want to blind-copy (other recipients do not see blind-copied recipient email addresses).

CC Addresses  Enter addresses that you want to carbon-copy.


Click the “Send a Test Email” button in the upper left corner to test your setup.  Enter the destination email address in the prompt and click OK.  A test email will be sent.