Mobile Device Import/Export

Compeat can interface with mobile computers for data collection. To use a mobile computer with Compeat, you must have Microsoft ActiveSync installed, and have a compatible mobile computer running Compeat Mobile software (see Compeat Mobile). The device's docking station must be connected (generally by USB) to your PC.

Exporting to Mobile Device

Use the Mobile Device Export to transfer inventory data from Compeat to a mobile computer. When you use the Mobile Device Export function, data files are created and placed in a specified folder on your system's hard drive. From there, the data files are automatically transferred to the mobile computer using ActiveSync.

Access the Mobile Device Export screen under Inventory > Inventory Counts.


Description of export options:

Note: Although you might expect the system to recognize the same item, in the same location, with the same position as the exact same item and not add counts for it from two different hand-helds, this is not the case. All items are added.  

To transfer data from Compeat to Compeat Mobile:

  1. In Compeat, go to Inventory > Inventory Counts, and select Mobile Device Export.

  2. Selected your preferences (see description of export options above).

  3. Click OK to generate the export files.

  4. If your mobile computer is docked, the files will automatically transfer. If it is not docked, dock it to initiate file transfer.

  5. Wait for the confirmation that file transfer has completed. This may take a few seconds.

  6. If Compeat Mobile is already opened, go to File, and select Import. If Compeat Mobile is closed, launch it and click Yes when prompted to import data file.

See Compeat Mobile for information on using the Compeat Mobile software.

Mobile Device Import

Generally, Compeat will prompt you to import if a data file is available from a mobile device. However, in rare cases, such as when you decline to import after being prompted, you may need to manually import. To do this, simply go to Inventory > Inventory Counts, and select the Mobile Device Import command. Compeat will search for available files in the default location.