MyWorkforce Notifications Matrix

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MyWorkforce Notifications Matrix

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The MyWorkforce Notification Matrix indicates what messages are sent to employees and managers when requesting and approving shift swaps and shift drops.


The MyWorkforce Notification Matrix is broken down into five tabs.  Each tab represents a type of request: Direct Swaps, Indirect Swaps, Direct Drops, Indirect Drops and House Shifts.  To view the associated scenarios and associated notifications, click on the appropriate tab.


Download the MyWorkforce Notifications Matrix




Direct Swap – A direct swap takes place when an employee selects a shift assigned to them to swap for the specific shift of another employee.


Indirect Swap – An indirect swap takes place when an employee chooses one of their assigned shifts to offer to anyone available for one of their shifts.  Unlike a direct swap, the initiating employee does not designate a specific employee’s shift to swap for their shift.  Completing an indirect swap requires a second employee to offer a shift for the initiating employee’s shift.


Direct Drop – A direct drop takes place when an employee wishes to give one of their shifts to another employee, but not receive another shift in return.  In this case, only the one shift is transferred to another employee, specified by the initiating employee.


Indirect Drop – An indirect drop takes place when an employee chooses to drop a shift to anyone willing and available to pick it up.  This differs from a direct drop in that the person picking up the shift is not identified by the initiating employee.  Once the shift has been offered as an indirect drop, any willing and available employee can offer to pick it up.  Note that, like direct drops, the initiating employee does not receive a shift in return.


House Shifts – House shifts are created by managers, but not assigned to any specific employee.  Instead only the job and time are identified.  The process of picking up a house shift is similar to an indirect drop.  Employees can elect to pick up a house shift as long as they are assigned to the job and the shift does not overlap an already assigned shift.



1.Open the My Workforce Notifications Matrix.

2.Determine the type of request and click on the appropriate tab.

3.Find the appropriate scenario.

4.View any applicable notifications and recipients to the right of the scenario column.


Note that in some cases, only one notification is generated.  In some scenarios, notifications are generated to more than one recipient.