Compeat BUD

The BUD function is used to return defined budget values from Compeat’s Budgets feature.

Tips and Tricks
Typically, budget figures are entered for an entire period. If you run a financial statement in the middle of a period, and set the End Date parameter to the mid-period cut-off date, all of the budget values will be zero. In order to get budget figures for a portion of the period, set the End Date parameter to the period-end date, then divide the function’s result to get the correct figure.

For example, assume you use monthly periods, and have defined the budget for the period ending 6/30/01 for account 1250-000 Accounts Receivable to $6500. If running a financial statement for 6/1/01 through 6/15/01, you could enter your budget function as (BUD("R300Y1", "1250-000", "06/01/01", "06/30/01")/2). This should return the value of ($6500/2) = $3250.


The BUD function uses parameters as follows:

BUD(Restaurant Number, Budget Code, Account Number, Start Date, End Date)

Restaurant Number

Specify the numbers of the restaurants whose data should be included on the report. The parameter can take a single restaurant number, a range of numbers, or a comma-separated list of numbers.

Budget Code

Specify the budget codes for the restaurants whose data should be included on the report. If printing financial statements for more than one restaurant, and using one budget per restaurant, include all of the budget codes for all of the restaurants (for example, "R200Y1, R201Y1, R202Y1"). If multiple restaurants use the same budget, you will need to multiply the budget figures by the number of restaurants (for example, for five restaurants all using the same budget, BUD("ALL", "4000-000", "01/01/09", "01/31/09") * 5).

Account Number

Specify the numbers of the accounts to include on the report. The parameter can take a single account number, a range of numbers, or a comma-separated list of numbers.

Start Date

Specify the starting date for the account data to include on the report. If entering a date into the function as a literal, the date must be in either the format MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY. If accessing a date from a cell reference, the date can be in any valid format.

End Date

Specify the ending date for the account data to include on the report. If you specify a date range that includes more than one period, Compeat will automatically sum the budget figures for the periods that fall within the dates. If entering a date into the function as a literal, the date must be in either the format MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY. If accessing a date from a cell reference, the date can be in any valid format.