Payroll Tab

The Payroll tab of the Other Definitions screen includes settings for employee gross pay and deductions. These together make up a balanced Payroll JE entry.

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Gross Pay

Use the Gross Pay section to specify the regular pay and overtime accounts for each type of employee that you track. The accounts on this screen will typically be expense accounts. When the Payroll JE is entered, the amounts specified for this tab will always be debits.

Additionally, you can specify statistical accounts to track things such as hours worked, OT hours worked, number of trainees, and so on. Compeat automatically excludes any value entered for a statistical account when determining if the entry balances. The values entered for statistical accounts are automatically offset to the Statistical Offset GL account (defined on the Other tab). The values entered in statistical accounts have no financial effect, but can be used in custom-built Financial Statements. (Alternatively, you can track values for regular hours, overtime hours, regular payroll dollars, and overtime payroll dollars in statistical accounts in the DSR using the Labor tab.)

Once the accounts have been entered and the screen has been saved, you can change the order of the items by clicking on a field to select it, then clicking the up image8.gif or down image10.gif arrow to move the row to the desired position.


Use the Deductions section to specify the accounts for payroll items that will be deducted from the employee or paid by the employer, other than salary; for example, taxes, insurance, training, and so on. You must specify whether each item will be a debit or a credit. Remember that you typically show an increase in an expense with a debit, and show an increase in a liability with a credit.

Enter the account numbers for your worker’s compensation (W/C) debits and credits, and your worker's compensation rate. The W/C amount is calculated as follows:

W/C amount = (W/C rate x total regular gross pay) + (W/C rate x 2/3(total overtime gross pay)

If you specify a worker’s compensation rate and accounts, Compeat will automatically calculate the worker’s compensation amounts each time a Payroll JE entry is posted.

Note: The deductions items can be both debits and credits. It is required that when all gross pay data is summed with the deductions data, they balance. For an example of a payroll JE, see the Sample Payroll JE.