Vendor Payment Apply-To Report

This report allows you to generate a listing of each invoice to which a manual or computer check payment was applied. You can duplicate the report that you generated at the time the manual or computer checks were issued (using Compeat’s Payment Processing feature) by specifying the report's batch code.

For example if you paid ABC Company $150.00 on check number 123 using the Payment Processing feature of Compeat, you can reprint the Payment Apply-To Report that will show that for check 123, the $150 consisted of voucher V-001-000001 for $100 and V-001-00002 for $50. The report shows all of the detail behind the payment, including all the invoices and credit memos that it was applied to.

Report Options

The options screen appears similar to the following:


Use the following options to customize your report:

Report Data

A Payment Apply-To report might appear similar to the following:
