Standing Orders

You can create orders to use repeatedly as templates in the Standing Orders screen.

First, set up the standing orders under Transactions > Standing Orders. Then, when you would like to place an order using the template, go to the Orders screen and create a new order by clicking on the New Standing Order button — you will see the Choose a Standing Order screen, where you can select from a list of all standing orders.

After you choose one, the order will automatically be created and you can process it as you would a normal order. The difference is that, while the new order you just created will go away after it is fully received, the standing order will remain, ready to be used again.

You can copy all of the information in a standing order, except the order number, to quickly create new standing orders with similar information or to copy the same order for another entity by clicking the Copy Standing Order button in the toolbar.

Fill out a standing order similarly to the way you would a normal order. See Create a New Order.