Compeat BAL

The BAL function is used to return the balance(s) in any GL account(s) through the As Of Date specified in the parameters.

Required Parameters

The BAL function uses parameters as follows:

BAL(Restaurant Number, Account Number, AsOf Date, {Include Open Years}, {Include Closed Years}, {Include Unposted DSRs}, {Include Unposted AP}, {Include Unposted Inv JE}, {Include Unposted Gen Journals})

Note: The braces {} indicate optional parameters. These can be included (enter an I) or excluded (enter an X). If left blank, the default is to include open years, and to exclude the last five parameters. You can include all the options by entering a wild card ("*") in the first optional position, that of Include Open Years.

Here is an example of the BAL function that queries both unposted DSRs and unposted AP for open years only: BAL("12", "1120-000", "11/31/2009", "I", "X", "I", "I", "X", "X"). The last six parameters in this function represent: "I" = Include Open Years, "X" = Exclude Closed Years, "I" = Include Unposted DSRs, "I" = Include Unposted AP, "X" = Exclude Unposted Inv JE, "X" = Exclude Unposted Gen  Journals.

By default, unposted records will not be included unless you include the "I" parameter. This means that BAL("12", "1120-000", "11/31/2009", "I", "X", "I") and BAL("12", "1120-000", "11/1/2009", "11/31/2009", "I", "X", "I", "X", "X", "X") have the same effect. As a reminder, the last six parameters in the BAL function are entirely optional. Your function could simply be BAL("12", "1120-000", "11/1/2009", "11/31/2009"). This would default to Include Open Years, Exclude Closed Years, Exclude Unposted DSRs, Exclude Unposted AP, Exclude Unposted Inv JE, Exclude Unposted Gen Journals.

Restaurant Number

Specify the numbers of the restaurants whose data should be included on the report. The parameter can take a single number, a range of numbers, or a comma-separated list of numbers.

Account Number

Specify the numbers of the accounts to include on the report. The parameter can take a single account number, a range of numbers, or a comma-separated list of numbers.

Start Date

Specify the starting date for the account data to include on the report. If entering a date into the function as a literal, the date must be in either the format MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY. If accessing a date from a cell reference, the date can be in any valid format.

End Date

Specify the ending date for the account data to include on the report. If entering a date into the function as a literal, the date must be in either the format MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY. If accessing a date from a cell reference, the date can be in any valid format.

Optional Parameters

Include Open/Closed

The first and second parameter positions are for include open and closed years; however, these parameters do not effect the results returned by the function.

Include Unposted DSRs

Optionally specify "I" to include unposted DSRs, or "X" to exclude unposted DSRs, when retrieving data to display on the financial statement. By default, DSRs are excluded.

Include Unposted AP

Optionally specify "I" to include unposted Accounts Payable records, or "X" to exclude unposted AP, when retrieving data to display on the financial statement. By default, uposted APs are excluded.

Include Unposted Inventory Journal Entries

Optionally specify "I" to include unposted inventory JEs, or "X" to exclude unposted inventory JEs, when retrieving data to display on the financial statement. By default, inventory JEs are excluded.

Include Unposted General Journal Entries

Optionally specify "I" to include unposted GJs, or "X" to exclude unposted GJs, when retrieving data to display on the financial statement. By default, unposted GJ entries are excluded.