The Main tab of the Restaurants screen is where you enter the basic information about the current restaurant. Only the restaurant number and name are required fields.
On the Main tab, fill in the following fields:
Entity # The number assigned to the restaurant. Each entity should have a unique identifying number that can be used for various purposes. Compeat entity numbers run from 1-999. You will not be able to change the entity number once you save it.
Name In the field to the right of the entity number, enter a description that uniquely identifies the restaurant. The description appears in the heading of many reports.
Address The address of the restaurant location.
Phone Numbers The telephone and fax numbers for the restaurant.
Federal ID # The federal tax ID number of the restaurant. This is a unique nine-digit number issued by the IRS, also known as a TIN (Tax Identification Number). This is only required if you choose to export 1099 information.
Store Groups The category (if any) defined as Store Group on the Enterprise Definitions screen.
Manager The full name of the manager of the restaurant.
Square Footage The square footage of the restaurant.
Opened/Reopened/Closed The dates the restaurant was opened, reopened, and closed.
Seats The number of seats in the restaurant.
Days store is open Select the checkbox for each day of the week the restaurant will be open. If a day is not checked, when entering a new DSR, that day will be skipped each week; however a DSR for a "skipped" day can be manually entered, by changing the date for the DSR (see Daily Sales Reports).