Import Budgets

The Import Budgets utility allows you to import budgets from an Excel spreadsheet. With Compeat, you can either create a budget within Compeat using the Budgets feature, or import a budget into Compeat using the Import Budgets utility.

Note: For the Import Budgets utility to work, you must have Excel installed on your computer.

When creating budgets in Excel, remember that budget files can be defined for each entity, or can be defined for all entities in the enterprise. If creating budgets for each entity, you should specify a budget code that clearly identifies which entity the budget is for.

Formatting the Source Data

To successfully import, you must consider a few minor formatting details.

Source files

Files must be in an .xls or .xlsx file format. These are standard Excel file extensions.

Data Arrangement in Source

The basis of the import process is simply to indicate to Compeat where each piece of data in your spreadsheet is located. You do this by entering the cell reference for your data in the Cell Locations fields.

You can view a sample spreadsheet by clicking Create Sample Spreadsheet. The data arrangement in the sample spreadsheet corresponds to the example cell references shown next to each field in Compeat. In some cases it may be easiest to rearrange your data to match the sample arrangement.

Click to view/hide picture of sample spreadsheet.

Do not leave any blank lines between budget data; when Compeat encounters a blank line, it will stop importing.

Your data must be in the first worksheet of the Excel workbook.

Note: Typically in Excel, when you create a new spreadsheet you will actually be creating a workbook with 3 worksheets; Compeat can only access budget information from the first sheet (named Sheet 1 by default). You can rename the sheet, as long as it remains the first worksheet in the book (worksheets within a book can easily be dragged to change their order).

Data Fields

You must have data in each cell defined in Cell Locations.

The imported GL account numbers must match those define in Setup > Chart of Accounts, and the period ending dates must match those defined in Setup > Periods.

Note: It is a good idea to place all of your budget files in a single folder dedicated to only budget spreadsheet files. This will make it easier to find the correct files.

Importing Budget Data

Selecting the Import Budgets utility brings up a screen similar to the following:

After you have properly formatted your budgets in Excel, you can import them into Compeat. Define the cell locations for the following information:

Note: Next to each field is an example cell reference that corresponds to the cell in the sample spreadsheet. If your data matches the organization of the sample spreadsheet, simply use this cell reference.

Note: Compeat will remember the locations that you specified; if you make all of your budget spreadsheets from a template, this will save you from retyping the positions each time you import a budget spreadsheet.

After filling in the cell locations, select the files that you want to import. Use the directory tree (in the lower left section of the screen) to navigate to the folder containing your Excel files. When a folder is selected that contains .xls files, they will be displayed in the right-hand panel; check the files that you want to import.

Importing a New Budget

Verify that your budget code is unique, and choose the Add New Periods or Overwrite All option.  Click Import Selected Budget File(s) to import.


Updating Budgets

Before updating, verify that the budget code and entity in your spreadsheet match the budget code and entity in your Compeat budget.

You have 3 options for updating an existing budget:



Note:  Modify Existing and Add New Periods can be performed at the same time.  This has a similar effect to Overwrite All except for one difference:  Existing accounts and periods in the Compeat budget that are not listed in the spreadsheet will not be deleted.  Overwrite All will delete everything in the Compeat budget, and replace with the data in the spreadsheet.

Accessing Imported Data

You can view, modify, or delete the budget using the Budgets feature under the Setup menu, and access the budget information in a financial report.